Komentáře k: Milan Lorman

Zpět na: Milan Lorman
  • Další osud

    Malasord 3. 1. 2012 20:58
    Docela by mě zajímal další osud p. Lormana, neboť v jeho životopise je psáno, že v současné době žije v Austrálii. Dále je docela zajímavé, že nějaký major Rudé armády měl v té době pravomoc propustit válečného zajatce.
    • Re: Další osud

      Milan Lorman 19. 1. 2012 13:53
      Zbadal som so zadostucinenim, ze hoci uz preslo niekolko rokov odkedy som uverejnil moje Spomienky na internete, stale novi ludia ich citaju so zaujmom. Hoci som za urcity cas uvazoval o pokracovani a mienil napisat nieco o zivote exulanta, nakoniec k tomu nedoslo. Ja aspon nemyslim, ze moj zivot v Australii je dost zaujimavy aby si zasluzil nejaku zvlastnu pozornost. Popri tom je treba spomenut aj problemy, ktore postihnu starych ludi ako je zlyhajuci zrak a - musim sa priznat - aj lenivost.

      Najblizsie co som sa dotkol mojho zivota v Australii je tato zaverecna cast mojho prispevku do BBC-WW2-The People's War. Je pisana v anglictine, ale dufam, ze si to nejako prelozite. Dakujem za zaujem.

      After spending four years in England, just long enough to get married to an English lady, we emigrated to Australia in 1952. I was at fist working in a sawmill in Tasmanian 'Bush' and later drove trams and trolley-buses in Hobart. Jean, meanwhile busied herself bringing into the world and caring for our first three children. Life was good and stayed that way ever since. In 1957 I have signed up for a six-year engagement with the Australian Regular Army. I was then 33 years old and keeping up with 18 to 20-year-olds during the basic training was not easy, but the rest of my service time was given to training as a cartographer and actually producing maps and charts for the Army, the Air Force and also for the Bureau of National Development. During this time we were living in Bendigo, State of Victoria. It was the home base of the Royal Australian Survey Regiment as it still is, I believe, to the present day. In Bendigo we have added three more children to our family.

      When my service engagement ended in 1963, we pulled up stakes and travelled in an overloaded little car north to Brisbane, Queensland. Here I have spent the rest of my working life as a Mapmaker for various employers. For five of those years I even helped teach Cartography at the (as it was then) Queensland Institute of Technology. It is a University now.

      These days I live in quiet, modest but carefree retirement, with the grandmother of my grandchildren, even great-grandmother of five, and Life is still Good. Not Great, but Good. And we are thankful for that.

      P.S. In case anyone would wish to contact me, here is my e-mail address (at least for the time being): [email protected]

      Ta e-mail adresa este plati. MilanL
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